Glass Flake Epoxy

Recommended Use:

As a self-primed, high-build coating recommended for areas subject to abrasion and/or to a high corrosive environment e.g. splash zones, jetty pilings, chemicals tank and working decks. It has very high resistance to abrasion and damages

Specific Characteristics:

−Suitable for structural steel, piping and tank lining to be exposed to highly corrosive environments, C5I or C5M (ISO 12944-2).

– Suitable for a various levels of mechanical and chemical exposure

− Excellent resistance to sea water and splashes from petrol and related products.

− Excellent abrasion and chemical resistance

تیم پشتیبانی آمیتیس

سلام وقت بخیر
به شما کمک میکنیم که متناسب با نیاز خود خدمات مورد نظرتان را از ما دریافت کنید.
از صحبت با شما خوشحال خواهیم شد.