Epoxy Flooring Top Coat

Recommended Use:

A durable, economical flooring finish in all industrial applications. Use on concrete or steel floors in workshops, factories, food processing plants, showrooms, chemical plants, laboratories, hospitals, warehouses, refineries, printing works and other areas subject to chemical or solvent spillage where good cosmetic appearance is required.

Recommended Use:

−Excellent oil resistance

−Excellent chemical resistance against weak acids and alkalis

− High abrasion and chemical resistance

− Excellent mechanical properties

− Can be applied to a hygienic smooth or slip-resistant finish

تیم پشتیبانی آمیتیس

سلام وقت بخیر
به شما کمک میکنیم که متناسب با نیاز خود خدمات مورد نظرتان را از ما دریافت کنید.
از صحبت با شما خوشحال خواهیم شد.